2023 National YoungArts Week Campaign

National YoungArts Week is a rigorous program that brings together the nation's top high school-aged artists in ten different disciplines, who have won its national competition at the finalist level. Throughout the week, the public is invited to attend five nights of performances, writers' readings, and exhibitions, where they can witness the exceptional skill of these young artists.

To captivate audiences and amplify YoungArts’ mission, a print, digital, and video campaign is created based on the brand identity which features thoughtfully curated imagery emphasizing that exceptional artistry is ageless.

Over the six-week period between the announcement of winners and the public presentation, an array of creative assets are produced, including books, programs, signage, postcards, videos, GIFs, slides and ads.

Since the run of show isn't confirmed until the day of the performance, the program is printed on the same day and inserted into a pre-printed sleeve containing critical institutional information.

The 120-page printed catalogue and anthology, created in three weeks, gives equal focus to each artist’s work while adhering to brand standards. We also publish a digital version.

Digital billboards, slides and signage effectively enhance the brand's visibility to live audiences and in performance documentation.


Creative Strategy

Creative Direction


Motion Graphics

Video Editing

Project Management


Graphic Design: Leslie Reed


About YoungArts Videos